PRODUCT SPECS: 55 pound bucket of Aqua Org Plus calcium hypochlorite (pool shock). Works in in-ground, above-ground pools, spas and hot tubs. 65% Cal Hypo Granules. Great for regular maintenance.
KEY FEATURES: Fast acting Aqua Org Plus calcium hypochlorite & professional-grade formula tackles algae blooms, restores water clarity, raises chlorine levels to eliminate unwanted contaminants. Professional formula trusted by pool maintenance experts. Solves 90% of pool water problems.
DIRECTIONS: Ensure the pool filter is running. Measure (1lb for 10,000 gallons of water) & pour Aqua Org Plus cal hypo into water directly. Distribute evenly. Use a pool brush to ensure granules dissolve into the water and aren’t sitting on the bottom of the pool. Ensure proper circulation and avoid swimming until chlorine returns to 1-4 ppm.
BENEFITS: Non-stabilized Aqua Org Plus formula (no CYA’s) to prevent chlorine lock. Effective for all swimming pool types including pools with liners, gunite pools, and saltwater pool systems. Regular testing of pool water and maintenance are essential for optimal shock treatment results.
BEST PRACTICES: Keep Aqua Org Plus products out of reach of children. Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. Use in a well ventilated area. Store in a cool dry place, away from sunlight. Follow guidelines and usage instructions provided by the manufacturer. Do not add directly into the pool floater or skimmers.